My 2020 Goals

I know it's a little late, its already the end of Jan. Gosh, time flies. The year 2019 is over, and 2020 is here. Another year has come and gone! For those of you who have been here since last year, I appreciate your support! It’s the time of the year again for some much-needed reflection and introspection to set the right tone for the new year!

Ignore the image this is how I sketch and apply all available filters.

Random Drawing, this is how I sketch.

I have been busy coming up with my goals for 2020, and I wanted to share the biggest two with you.

The first goal I have for 2020 is "Keep improving goglides product based on user feedback for our store."

User feedback is super important to me. We used to add features based on our assumption that users will need these features to list and market their services. But its the opposite, we spent so much time adding unnecessary features that users never needed at all. So moving forward we are trying to gather customer requirements. And add those requirements only if its adding value to our customer. If you are looking for any specific requirement in our product, let us know we can make it happen.

The second goal I have for 2020 is "Add more adventurous activities in our Goglides Market Place."

Some of you already know, if you don't goglides is working towards 2 business objectives, the first one is goglides market place where we are going to list services from all partners, another allowing partners to create and allow them to map custom domain name. Some examples,, etc.

At this time of writing in our market place, we have limited categories. Now we are going to accept a request to add more categories like ski, mountain expedition, sky diving and so on. If you are a business looking for any specific categories let us know. If you are a normal user trying to buy services you can tell us we can work with our vendor to make it happen.

There’s nothing like sharing your goals with a list of virtual friends to make sure I stay accountable and work towards completing my goals!

What about you?

What is your #1 goal for 2020?  Let me know.

It makes me happy to know more about whats your goals and desires are. Here’s to a productive 2020!